
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kansas--the wannabe state

As I was driving to our venue for the road race today, I noticed something about Kansas. I actually drove through Augusta to get to Atlanta--and didn't leave Kansas. Kansas took the names of other famous cities--and used them as their own. These are some of the other cities in Kansas: Manhatten, Zurich, Pittsburg, Bel Aire, Buffalo, Durham, Florence, Havanna, Long Island--just to name a few. I think Kansas must have an identity crisis. Don't they think people are going to figure out that the Florence that they have driven through was not really in Italy?? It makes a person wonder--where did they steal "Kansas" from?

Anyway, back to the race. It was an hour drive to Atlanta (Kansas) where the road race took place. It was a very small farm community with lots of open space with sparsely scattered farms with cattle. We arrived early as we had to meet in the hotel lobby at 6 a.m. and caravan down together. It was warm at 7 a.m.--in the 70's. Everyone geared up and got ready for the race by 8:00. The course was a big square. Six miles before a right hand turn four times and 25 miles later--the finish line.

We started off en masse. The hot shots flew to the front--and I didn't see them until after the race was long over. I tried hard to grab a wheel so I could draft--but it wouldn't happen. I rode many miles alone. It was hilly, and windy and there were some bumpy roads. I was zoned out just plugging along when James came up behind me. He caught me about about 15 miles in or so. He asked if I wanted to work together--but I could hang with him. He remained in my sight but I wouldn't be able to catch him either. It was in the 90's at the end. The wind was a blessing and a curse. It kept me from going as fast as I wanted--but without it, the heat was unbearable. We said it was like riding with a blow dryer blowing in your face. I saw a poor little turtle along the side of the road and made sure I avoided it.

About an hour and 46 minutes later I finally crossed the finish line. What a relief that was. It was a very tough and challenging race. I had to sit in my bike for awhile before I could muster enough energy to get out of it. I had to take a little nap when I got back to the hotel, I was so pooped. My lack of training really showed in this event.

We were treated to a great dinner at the Whiskey Creek. It was fun to sit around and relive the race as we experienced it. Tomorrow is the Criterium--not sure where as things have been changed. It will be going around and around, many times. This isn't one of my favorites. Maybe we'll go to Paris--Kansas. (they don't really have that city--but Texas borrowed it)

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