
Monday, July 26, 2010

Hot Water Again!!!

I'm happy to say that the hot water has finally been turned back on in my dorm!! I actually spent last night in a hotel. It was the the Hotel Hoffmeister. They had an accessible room--but it wasn't really accessible to get to it. They actually had to help me down three steps at the hotel to get to the room in the garden courtyard. It was nice to actually get to take a hot shower there.

A friend of mine who is in the program rented a room at this hotel to have her birthday party. (Jacqui) A bunch of us gals sat around eating lots of junk and drinking different kinds of wine. Then Jacqui was so intrigued by a sign for a pizza delivery--PIZZA GO HOME--that we ordered pizza from them. It was very good pizza I must say. It was so fun hanging out with these ladies. It's amazing how close we have gotten in a fairly short time. We laughed and took lots of pictures of our goofiness.

It was rainy and pretty chilly this past weekend so I spent a great deal of it laying on my bed reading. I got through two books!! I am trying to read some of the books from our instructors and the Czech authors who have spoken to us. I haven't gotten around to Kafka yet--who is really big here, they have a museum dedicated to him, but I don't think it's accessible.

I also went to a farmer's market they had here in Davjicka. There were all sorts of booths around this park that is close to where I'm staying. There were some fruits and vegetables, the usual--but all sorts of other things too. It was mostly locals that go so not too many people spoke english. I had to kind of guess at what I was buying at times. I did strike it rich with some delicious pasteries. I've really come to love their pasteries here, especially the chocolate filled ones.

As this winds down I look forward to getting home--but not that long flight home. I'm actually dreading that part. No doubt that it will be stuffed full like my flight here--I long for the old days when you could actually score an empty middle seat and stretch out a little.

All that talk of pasteries has made me hunger for them. I think I'll go scout some out for after dinner.(or maybe for dinner!)

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